Selling a manufactured home

Selling your manufactured home is easier than you may think, although it does require more effort than just putting a “For Sale” sign in the window. Proper planning and preparation for the sale, choosing a sales agent, determining the price…

Mobile home buying checklist

Informed buyers save money and avoid last minute hassles. Use this checklist to help you search for, find and buy a new manufactured home. Track your credit situation before hunting for a home. Get a copy of your credit report,…

5 Auto Claims that Spike Every Fall

Animal Collisions  Most animals don’t look both ways before crossing the street, and drivers in a hurry may rush out of their driveways before their windows are completely clear and defrosted. This creates the perfect conditions for collisions on slick…

Home Buyer’s Insurance Guide

If shopping for a new home, you should consider many things. Things like property taxes, school district, the appeal of the neighborhood and, what the cost of owning that home will be. The financial implications of insurance as part of…

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