We’re going to talk about some standard exclusions that are under any personal property policy. The policies I am referring to are either a homeowner, a condo, a renter’s policy, or a dwelling policy. Any of those sorts of policies will have these standard exclusions included in them, and you need to be aware because, uh, not everybody is aware of these things.
One of them, and probably one of the biggest, especially if you live like in Louisiana, or a coastal town, or you live close to somebody of water, or a place that gets just a lot of rain. There are areas in Louisiana along the Mississippi River, also along the coast in Mississippi. There are places inside Texas close to different water bodies, Toledo Bend, other places like that. And then in Arkansas along the Arkansas River.
You know, there’s a chance that you have or possibilities to get flood damage. Flood is rising water, water that has gotten out of its banks or has inundated a certain area, usually more than three acres of land or more than one piece or property. This is what flood is.

Now all those policies that I mentioned, they all exclude it. The only way to get flood insurance, or flood coverage, is through a flood policy. Now there are a few, but a very few, policies out there that will offer flood coverage inside of it, but typically I would say probably 95% of the time, if not maybe 99% of the time, this is going to be excluded underneath your policy. So you need to take a look at flood coverage if you think you’re in one of those areas. Um, it is l- less expensive than you may think, um, anywhere from, you know, two to $400 typically, depending on the policy that you purchase, what the coverage needs are that you have, but- but just understand that, uh, you know, that is something that you need to get on a sep- separate policy. That is flood.

What Are NOT Covered By Your Homeowner’s Policy?
Your Homeowner’s Policy may not cover everything, but we’re here to help you understand it and ensure you are properly informed about the things that are not covered.
Another thing that is often excluded is going to be an earthquake. That’s going to be excluded, you can usually get that added as an endorsement, though. However, if your insurance company does not offer that, you can usually buy that on a standalone policy, and that’s gonna depend on where you live. Obviously, if you’re in an area that’s more prone to earthquakes, it’s more likely it’s going to be excluded, but you may be able to purchase it. Unfortunately, these usually have high deductibles, like a $10,000 deductible might be a smaller deductible. Keep that in mind, um, but if you have an earthquake, you know it’s probably going to be more of a catastrophe type of claim, meaning a large claim. Um, there are options out there. You can reach out to us, we have options for standalone earthquake policies, or we could look at your home policy and make sure that you do have earthquake coverage included in it.
The important thing is that you discuss these options with your independent insurance agent and make sure you have an independent insurance agent who will educate you regarding your options.
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We’ll be glad to take a look at your insurance coverage in any of the states of Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi.
Thank you,
Beaux Pilgrim, CEO

Beaux Pilgrim
Reed Insurance